LINe offers tailor-made language communication training in German for individuals or groups. We have a wealth of experience of teaching business German, intercultural negotiation techniques and intercultural differences at university level and for companies in-house. The language training offered by LINe places great emphasis on conversational situations.

Why German?
Sweden depends on its exports to countries including Germany, and better language skills will always give you an edge. Learning a language gives you more opportunities to communicate with other people, helping you to learn more about another culture and to think and look at things in a different way. In the world of business, knowing other languages is often absolutely essential. Many deals have been called off due to poor communication – maybe  without you even being aware of it.

A firm foundation for long-term business relationships
Although many people in Germany speak English, being able to use your own native language when doing business is always appreciated. It’s reassuring for your German clients if they know they can switch to German with you in more complicated situations when their English skills might not go quite far enough. Lay the foundation for a long-term business relationship and invest in German language training!

German – putting you ahead of the competition
As an employee, being able to speak German in negotiations and conversations with a business partner could give you a major competitive advantage in the future. Fewer and fewer students in Sweden are studying German.

Many people are put off by the thought of complicated German grammar. But you only need basic grammar skills to be able to speak German. If you know Swedish, there’s also have the advantage that Swedish and German share some vocabulary.